
Discussions of interest for worship leaders and teams

What do you think?

Many of you know me as Smitty, from the Worship Community Forums, where I am a regular contributor. If you haven’t visited TWC, I highly recommend it. Its a community of Worship Leaders, and Worship Musicians from all over the world. The subjects discussed are very current, very relevant; and it is a very valuable sounding board when you have an idea about worship, or need help with an issue you might be dealing with. Recently at TWC there have been several active threads that I have been enjoying. One is about helping congregations learn to worship better. Another is about combining members of worship teams with different styles into one team. There are threads about instruments, about equipment, about A/V packages…trust me…TONS of info at TWC!

One of the threads that I have been the most interested in recently, and the one that both scares me AND makes me angry, is the thread that talks about the future of of modern worship.  

Have we painted ourselves into a corner? I have to admit that sometimes I feel like we have. If you aren’t too sure about that, head on over to google and find the vimeo video from Northgate Church, called “modern worship parody”. I laughed at it, and was both angered and saddened by it, because what it represents is simply the cold, hard, unvarnished TRUTH. If you disagree, I’d like to know where you have been worshipping in the past 15 years?

I said all that…to say this:

I believe that as Christians, and as Worship Leaders, we are dangerously close to losing whatever shred of relevancy we may have managed to cling to up to this point; if we do not immediately stop trying to prove our difference from the world, by emulating every part of the world.

What do you think?


May 20, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized


  1. I’m not as pessimistic. I didn’t participate in that discussion partially because I’ve been busy – but mostly because what I didn’t like about the conversation is that it was completely one side of the worship task. For me the direction of worship is really dependent on the worshipers. I’d rather ask questions like – what do people in the pew need to value? – What do they love about God? – How can we help them express that value and love?

    When I think about that state of the industry or how I can manipulate a group of people to be moved – it’s hard to be relevant unless we can tap into where people are at and connect that to what God is. People in my church and community don’t need trendy worship – they need to understand how great God is. And if that’s two different things, that’s ok.

    Comment by Samuel Sutter | May 20, 2010 | Reply

  2. I try hard not to be pessimistic, and I agree with you.

    Comment by davidsproblem | November 17, 2010 | Reply

  3. Man, this is a great post, and a great response from Samuel.

    Comment by Russ | November 25, 2010 | Reply

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